The Cima System
Whiplash & Accident Recovery Center
James Cima, DC
Palm Beach Gardens, FL - 561-627-3810
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About Dr. James Cima, DC

Dr. James P. Cima
"The Doctor of the Future"

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and the cause and prevention of disease." -
- Thomas Edison

As a student at Cornell University, James Cima discovered Edison's quote and became inspired. Struggling with a debilitating genetic back problem, he knew that there had to be a better way to treat his condition.

Pills and surgery couldn't be the only answers.

Desperate to find a way to cope, he began a journey that would change his life, and the lives of millions of people. Today, Dr. Cima is the country's leading proponent of a unique system he developed called the Triune of Health, which is based on Edison's philosophy.

The Triune of Health states that in order for a person to obtain optimum health, she/he must be physically, chemically (nutritionally) and mentally/emotionally sound. The converse is also true, if one is sick and diseased, the Triune of Health must be out of balance from either a chemical, physical or mental/emotional perspective.

After graduating from Cornell University and receiving his D.C. degree from New York Chiropractic College, Cima spent decades of study and research developing a highly individualized system, which literally increases the body's potential to heal itself, thus promoting excellent health and longevity.

The leading disciple of his system, Dr. Cima has been pain-free and living with optimum health for many years now. His patients know his story and his adversities. They see what can be achieved when the body as a whole is focused on, instead of simply treating the symptoms.

Dr. Cima has helped countless patients change their lives for the better. More than just a practitioner, Dr. Cima becomes each patient's life coach, nutritionist, personal trainer and friend.

Dedicated to helping everyone benefit from his discoveries, Dr. Cima has written numerous scientific papers, national magazine articles and is the author of several books including How to Eat More & Lose Weight, Achieving Unlimited Health, and Treating the Triune of Health.

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